The exact purpose of each association is outlined in the Controlling Documents and usually provide for the maintenance of common elements or limited common elements. Another primary purpose of a community association is to ensure that an individual or group cannot negatively impact the market value of homes in the neighborhood.
How does an association protect home values?
Neighborhoods with plenty of curb appeal tend to maintain property values better. While it is obvious that well-kept homes, yards, and common areas help neighborhoods stay desirable, it is hard work keeping neighborhoods in pristine condition. Without rules, homeowners would be able to act without consequences. As a result, one or a few homeowners would have the ability to negatively impact the home values on a majority of other homes.
Community Rules and Covenants - Associations hold the community to a higher standard, thereby improving the experience for everyone. It is your responsibility, as an owner, to be aware of all of the association’s rules and covenants, and to abide by them. Your association’s declaration of covenants is part of the public records, and you are deemed to be aware of them, even if you have never read them.
When you make the investment in a home or a condominium, you want to be sure that your property value does not plummet. Community rules and covenants exist in part to ensure that home and condo owners maintain their property. Because neighboring properties help define the value of your home, it is essential to abide by the rule. Put plainly, it is to everyone’s benefit.
Community Pride - A nice neighborhood with well-manicured yards does wonders for your property value and comfort. Pride in a community is obvious when the residents, whether renters or owners, maintain their homes and care about their neighborhood. A pleasant community appearance adds to home values, helps attract business investment, and just improves the neighborhood reputation. A neighborhood can go from being an interesting place with lots of energy to a place nobody wants to be in very quickly.
Associations Can Dramatically Increase Property Values - Overall, associations can increase property values in the neighborhood by enforcing desirable standards to protect all members’ homes. In the end, it is up to you and your neighbors as residents to make a difference in maintaining and increasing the value of your home and the neighborhood.
The rules and regulations established by a Community are designed to protect the value of each property. Thus, rules become a necessity. While many people may be turned off by rules and regulations, it is one of the primary reasons that Community Associations remain popular.
How do I obtain my association's controlling documents?
You can login to the Portal by clicking "Homeowner Login" in the upper right corner of this web page to obtain a free downloadable copy of your association's controlling documents.
What is a Resale Package?
A resale package is a packet of vital information provided to those purchasing a condominium or a home in an association. The package includes a complete set of recorded documents that govern your association. In most jurisdictions the Seller is legally required to provide answers to certain questions about the requirements of home owners in the association, updated financial reports, and an updated copy of all the controlling documents. These disclosures typically require the disclosure of other possible changes being contemplated. Since associations are constantly changing the answers to these questions must be current and updated before each sale to allow the buyer to make consciousness decision before buying property.
What do I need to know about refinancing a home in an association?
When refinancing your home, the lending institution will typically want to verify certain information about the condition of the association. The request information can vary widely and include often lengthy questionnaires for our staff to complete. Additionally, certain reports need to be completed. In order to comply with this demand and have staff available to complete this service, we charge a fee based on the scope of work required by the lender. Some lenders pay this expense while other pass this expense on to the homeowner before or after closing.
What happens if my account is in collections?
Once your account has not been paid after an extended period of time or because you failed to complete a payment plan, the Board of Directors turned your delinquent account over to a collections attorney. The agreement between the association and the attorney does not allow the association’s manager to accept payments from you until the delinquent account is paid in full and the association receives certificate of satisfaction from the attorney. If you have submitted a payment to the association’s manager it has been forwarded to the associations attorney. The association and the manager are not able to negotiate this debt with you. You must contact the associations attorney.
Why is it important to clean dryer ducts regularly?
When it comes to home maintenance, some of the most crucial tasks are the ones most commonly neglected. You might be replacing your home air filters regularly, or completing other maintenance jobs, but when was the last time you thought about your clothes dryer? Dryer maintenance requires more than simply cleaning the lint screen in between loads of laundry; the real concern is your dryer’s vents. A dryer’s vent is comprised of ducts that run from the dryer to the outside. A clogged dryer vent can cost you money—and possibly your home or your life. It is essential that these ventilation systems are cleaned properly at least once a year.
There are a few warning signs to indicate that your dryer vent isn’t working properly. The first sign is if your laundry takes longer than usual to completely dry. Dryers work by removing hot, moist air, so if something is preventing that air from getting out, your laundry will probably need a few extra cycles to dry. If this hot air isn’t able to escape, it could also result in your laundry room, dryer or clothes themselves being unusually warm. If you notice that your clothes have a strange smell, this could also be a sign that your dryer is not ventilating properly.
A clogged dryer vent can be extremely dangerous - Lint is highly flammable and can pose a severe fire hazard when dryer vents are not cleaned regularly and properly. According to the U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Data Center, clothes dryers are responsible for more than 15,000 structure fires around the country each year, and 80 percent of those fires start with clogged dryer vents.
Give your wallet (and the environment) a break - Running your dryer with a dirty lint screen can use up to 30 percent more energy. Cleaning the lint filter between every cycle allows hot air to move efficiently through the dryer. If your dryer vent is clogged or blocked, it will have to run longer to fully dry your laundry, which uses more energy and could cause your electric bills to increase.
In addition to using more energy, if your dryer is taking twice as long to dry clothes, it’s being used twice as much, essentially cutting its life span in half. It will cost you much less in the long run to hire a professional to inspect and clean your vents once a year and avoid these issues altogether.
Prevent animals from nesting - When the lint buildup in your dryer vent becomes too large, the duct hood flap doesn’t open and close properly. If this flap isn’t closing correctly, it could be an invitation for birds and small rodents to make your vent their new home. What better place for these creatures to hide during a cold winter than a nice, warm dryer vent? In addition to keeping your vents clean, investing in a ventilation cap or dryer vent guard will help prevent these animals from nesting and other debris from collecting in your vent while still allowing lint to escape.
After having your dryer vents professionally cleaned, try to keep the buildup to a minimum between yearly cleanings. Always clean the lint filter between loads of laundry, and periodically use a small vacuum to carefully clean out the inside of the dryer, as well as the lint trap. Heavy bedding in particular can be strenuous on your dryer, so consider air drying comforters and heavy blankets. You should also avoid running your dryer for several cycles in a row. Giving your dryer a break in between cycles will allow your dryer to cool down and completely ventilate the hot, humid air from the previous cycle.
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